Wednesday, February 22, 2012

speaking to me is kinda like speaking to a schitzo w/ multiple personalities...

 A fb conversation about God... and christians led me to think of this one time when i asked my mom in mass (we are catholic and according to my mother i was born catholic and i will die that way... no matter what!) if I was gonna have to "eat some jesus" to which she responded "i don't like how you put that but yes.." then I informed her she was forcing me to participate in cannibalism to which she began to get really mad... and then i realized that this is the logic that rules my life... and therefor makes me terribly unbearable to be around for the majority of the population. From what I am told it also makes my life worth blogging. I also learned today that beauty is pain and if that is the case then I would like to be really like I got hit in the face with a hammer ugly... cause I would rather be unattractive than in pain. My boss got new shoes... unbearably tall hard to walk in high heeled shoes... and then wore 30 band aids on her toes to "break in the new shoes" cause beauty is pain... I wear gray knit potatoes... or shoes that look like gray knit hollowed out potatoes. They are flat and in most opinions not cute but they are SO comfortable I also wear chucks... zombie chucks to be exact. They are also comfortable and easy to wear as they have no laces and instead have elastic bands that hold them on like laces but without all the loosening and tying... which i am a fan of short cuts and lazy things that make my life one less step... one less step ... consolidation of ones life if you will... this is my journey this year... to take one less step... to make things easier so that I have more time for the things I actually enjoy doing like crochet and roller derby.  Today I cut my hair off... on an impulse that hit me last night... I love it... why did the impulse hit me you ask? I took of my derby helmet and had to fix my sweaty hair... I don't want to have to fix my hair... so I chopped it off... and I love it. You should try chopping of something that is dead weight... whether that be a boy/girlfriend (not a boy girlfriend or a girl boyfriend unless you actually have one and then you should hang on to them cause its the best of both worlds) or your hair, 20 lbs or just some bad wardrobe choices from 1992... let it go... none of this stuff is worth freaking out over... so spring clean your life... its what i am doing and forcing timothy to do... cleanse everything and make room for new crap... :) but don't eat it or i won't eat you when the apocalypse happens and I NEED TO EAT YOU not in the good way ... that is if the apocalypse happens and i run out of food... so please take care of yourself so further my survival...

moral of this story: i am a selfish person who will eat you when the chips are down ... and not in a good way...also i type how i talk ... and skip topic cause i am A.D.D. as hell... :)

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